Tuesday 31 July 2012

Pertemuan Kedua :)

Assalamualaikum !
Dari mana datangnya lintah, dari sawah turun ke kali ; 
dari mana datangnya cinta, dari mata turun ke hati.
Dan ada juga yang menyebut, 
tak kenal maka tak cinta.
Macam tu jugaklah perasaan kami terhadap u'lls semuaa. 
Dah masuk minggu ketiga kita bersua muka, bertukar pendapat, berbagi rasa,
bergelak tawa, bergurau senda, semakin lama semakin rapat.
Perasaan ingin berkongsi segala macam hal semakin menebal rasanya !
Dan berharap, moga ia terus kekal mewangi. Ecehh, agak jiwang pulak entry kali ini. Heee.


Okay jom kita story mory sikit tentang current activity kita.
So, 25 Julai 2012 telah berlangsungnya kelas fundamental of management yang kedua.
Activity yang dijalankan untuk kali ini
hanyalah bertukar pendapat, sesi soal jawab dan pop kuiz.
Kehadiran Sir Adham dan Miss Nadia agak menggerunkan kami pada mulanya,
tapi Alhamdulillah at the end,
everything semuanya okay okay saja !
Meh mari dekat mari rapat yang jauh sila dekat dekat rapat rapat sikit
kita usha gambar yang telah diambil sewaktu kelas kedua berlangsung.
Enjoy :)


Jumpa lagi nanti, Assalamualaikum :)

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Monday 30 July 2012

Tutorial One

Question 1

What is the management process?
a)  planning, organizing, learning, controlling
b)  organizing,planning,learning, controlling
c)  planning,organizing,controlling,leading
d)  planning,organizing,leading,controlling

Question 2

What is the level of management according to orders from top?
a)  Top managers, first line managers,middle managers,nonmanagerial personnel
b)  Nonmanagerial personnel, first line manager,middle managers,top managers
c)  Top managers,middle managers,first line managers,nonmanagerial personnel
d)  Top managers,middle managers,nonmanagerial personnel,first line managerial

Question 3

What is the types of managerial roles?
I. Interpersonal roles
II. Personal roles
III. Informational roles
IV. Decisional roles

a)  I,II,III  c) I,II,IV b)  I,III,IV  d)I,II,III,IV

Question 4

What is the type of organization?
I. For profit organization
II. Non profit organization
III.For benefit organization
IV. Mutual benefit organization

a) I,II,III  c) I,II,IV  b) I,III,IV   d) II,III,IV

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Tuesday 24 July 2012

First Class With Them

Assalamualaikum Peeps :)

18 Julai 2012, 
detik dan saat yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh kami akhirnya pun tiba. Sebelum kelas bermula tuu, alahai, nebessnyaa hati i'lls kalau u'lls nak tahu ! Dupdapdupdap bunyinyaa. Ada ke orang nak datang, Boleh ke korang terima apa yang diajar, cara korang, haihh macam macam laa kata-kata hati bermain. Bak kata orang, sebelum kelas bermula tu, kira macam makan tak kenyang, mandi tak basah tidur tak lena laaa. Hehe.

Tapi tapi, Alhamdulillah, kerjasama daripada u'lls semua sangat best! Thumbs up untuk u'lls ! So, that's day i'lls just ajar u'lls separuh daripada chapter one. Antaranya ialah apa itu Management, Fungsi fungsi management, Level of management, areas of managements and types of managements. I'lls hope, u'lls semua faham dengan pembelajaran kita. Ingat ye adik-adik, kalau tak faham, terus angkat tangan. Kalau takut i'lls tak perasan u'lls, berdiri je senang ! Jangan malu-malu ye. Ilmu takkan datang bergolek kalau kita tak cari diaa. Akhir kata, jom usha gambar-gambar masa kelas pertama u'lls ! Jumpa lagi nanti, Assalamualaikum :)

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Chapter One - The Exceptional Manager

What is Management?

  • The pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by integrating the work of people through planning, organizing, leading and controlling the organization's resources.
  • To be efficient means to use resources ( people,money, raw materials and the like) wisely and cost-effectively.
  • To be effective means to achieve results, to make the right decisions, and successfully carry them out so that they achieve the organizational's goals.
The Functions of Management?

  • Planning : You set goals and decide how to achieve them
  • Organizing : You arrange task, people and other resources to accomplish the work
  • Leading : You motivate, direct and otherwise influence people to work hard to achieve the goals
  • Controlling : Monitoring performance and deciding whether or not it is good toward the goal and how to fix it
Levels of Management?

  •  Top Managers (CEO) - Making decisions for the long term goals for the company. 
  •  Middle Managers (Director, and General Managers) - Implementing policies Top Managers pass down.                                        
  •  First-line Managers (Supervisors, Co-Manager, Assistant Manager, Team lead) - Delegates daily tasks and short term task.
Areas of Management?
  • Functional Manager : Works over a specific area
  • General Manager : Works over a larger area
Types of Organizations?
  • For profit : Work toward making money ( Walmart and others mart)
  • Nonprofit : Work toward making no money (Hospitals, colleges)
  • Mutual benefit : Exists to provide benefit to itself and it's members only (political parties, labor unions)

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Monday 16 July 2012

The First Meeting :)

Assalamualaikum peeps :)

On the 16th July, we make the first meeting with our 'students'.
Kedatangan yang amat memberangsangkan sangat-sangat mengembirakan kami.
Terima kasih atas kerjasama kalian !
Semoga kita boleh mencapai objektif yang telah dirancang bersama-sama kelak.
InsyaAllah :)

Dari pandangan depan. 
Comel semuanyaa adik-adik kami ni, hehe

Ketekunan mereka sangat terserlah disini :)

We are your tutor :)

Together We Make The Different.  Together We Make The Success

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)


Assalamualaikum peeps :)

Most welcome to our official blog, Fundamental of Management. 
We are here to help u'lls to achieve good result in Quizzes, Presentations, Tests 
and insyaAllah in the Final Exam. 
So, for the first entry we will introduce u'lls your private tutor
that will help u'lls in this subject,


Norzahim Syahid and Nik Nur 'Atikah


Nor Amaleena and Noraizura

So, guys ready to make a wonderful journey with us. We can't promise anything but we will try our best to make sure u'lls become master in this subject.
Others information, please visit our page at HERE

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)