Thursday, 18 October 2012

Pengurusan. Apa tuuu??

Assalamualaikum u'lls
Apa khabar semua?  Lama tak bersua muka dengan kalian semua.
Rinduuu rasa hati ini. 
Rindu nak bertelagah pendapat. Rindu nak gelak sama-sama. Rindu nak sakat korang. Dan rindu segalanyalah !  Tapi i'lls tahu u'lls takda pun rindu rindu tutor korang ni.
Kann kann? 
Sobbs *kesat airmata*
Stop talking nonsense ! Jom straight to the point.
Err, macam mana dengan Fundamental of Management? Ada baik? Markah test, quizzes semua? Apa cerita? Hopefully 'sihat' carry mark u'lls semuaa !
So, selama hampir 12 minggu belajar Management ni, apa je yang u'lls faham berkaitan Management? 
Untuk entry terakhir ni, i'lls akan cerita serba sedikit pasal Management sebelum blog ini
melabuhkan tirainya. Hikhik

Beberapa tahun yang lepas. 
Dimana lebih tepat lagi ditahun 2010, 
subject Fundamental of Management adalah subject kegemaran i'lls. 
Cerita bermula apabila i'lls terjumpa satu definisi Management yang di buat oleh 
Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933) 
menyatakan maksud "Management" sebagai the art of getting things done through people...
i'lls pada mulanya agak tertanya-tanya. 
Apa kaitannya pengurusan dengan seni? 
Ini adalah kerana pada awalnya i'lls berfikir seni itu hanyalah menyanyi, melukis, 
bermain alat muzik dan sewaktu dengannya. 
Tapi akhirnya memang betul apa yang dikatakan pengurusan itu sebagai salah satu seni 
untuk mencapai sesuatu matlamat melalui orang lain. 
Apabila kita bekerja secara 1 team atau 1 organisasi syarikat maka 
di sinilah terletaknya satu kreativiti seni untuk menguruskan pelbagai sumber dalam dan luar 
bagi mencapai apa jua objektif yang ditetapkan. 
Misalnya bagaimana kita mengurus bisnes sehingga ia berjaya secara sistematik 
melalui perancangan (planning), pengorganisasian (organizing), pengarahan (leading) dan pengawalan (controlling).

Sebagai contoh, i'lls nak tanya u'lls. Macam mana pengurusan yang berlaku di port? Pengurusan yang berlaku di airport? Pengurusan di bahagian services pula bagaimana dijalankan?
Fikirkan sendiri apa jawapannya.

Conclusionnya, management skills itu teramat penting, tanpanya mustahil sesuatu project itu akan berjaya. Kita manusia, punya bermacam kerenah, ada banyak perbezaan dan juga persamaan, 
adalah amat perlu kita belajar dengan cekap cara mengurus manusia supaya lebih pantas mencapai matlamat dan impian. Sama ada manusia jenis staf maupun jenis customer. 
Kedua-duanya penting dan melibatkan kekuatan dalaman dan luaran sesebuah business !

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Randomly Tutorial

Question 1

Define planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

Question 2

Explain differences between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship

Question 3

Define ethical dilemma

Question 4

Explain carefully about the project life cycle. Appropriately with diagram

Question 5

Explain carefully about the strategic management process. Appropriately with diagram.

Question 6

List the Porter's Five Competitive Forces

Question 7

State the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making

Question 8

Explain about  the Organization chart. And provide one example organization chart with their diagram

Question 9

Differentiate the reactive change and proactive change.

Question 10

Explain about the Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Assalamualaikum guys ! 
Untuk kali ni entry special edition sikit taw. Rugi kalau tak baca, hikhik. Cuba tengok tajuk diaa
L to the O to the G to the I to the S to the T to the I to the C to the S 
So, bagi u'lls yang ambil yang course Logistics ni,
u'lls tahu ke idak apa Logistics senanya ni?
Okay mari sini i'lls nak cerita sikit pengalaman i'lls masa kengkawan i'lls tanya 
i'lls apa course apa untuk sambung diploma dedulu.

kawan : babe, kau amek apa seh further diploma nanti?
i'lls : ohh, logistics je
kawan : whatt? logi? cuci tangki najis ke? haha
i'lls : maksud kauuu?!!

Sadis tak cerita i'lls? Hmm sangat sedih ya disitu. Pada awalnya i'lls pun taktahu apa tu Logistics tapi bila tanya orang sini, tanya orang sana. Sikit sikit i'lls tahu lah apa itu Logistics. Hehe

So, sesiapa yang taktahu apa itu Logistics, i'lls terangkan
 kat sini serba sikit pasal this course okay !

Sila tengok gambar diatas ye anak anak sekalian !
Inilah yang dinamakan logistik. Pelajar Logistik bukan sahaja belajar mengenai penghantaran barang tapi bermula dari permulaaan proses. 

Siapa yang betul-betul dalam bidang ni akan faham apa itu logistik, percaya tak kalau i'lls cakap bahawa sesuatu organisasi itu akan musnah tanpa Logistik? Perkara itu memang benar sebab sesebuah organisasi sangat memerlukan unit Logistik untuk menggerakkan proses perjalanan barang. Kalau tak ada unit Logistik unit mana lagi nak buat kerja tu? Fikirkan.

Selain itu, unit Logistik juga amat rapat dengan unit Kewangan di sesuatu organisasi. Kenapa i'lls cakap macam tu? Sebab bila unit Logistik ingin membeli bekalan barang untuk organisasi kita perlu merujuk kepada unit Kewangan terlebih dahulu bagi mendapatkan kewangan untuk memesan bekalan baru.

Setakat ini sahaja yang i'lls mampu cerita, nanti kalau ada masa, i'lls cerita lagi pasal Logistics okay !
Daaaa ;)

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Week 10

Class yang diadakan pada 26 dan 27 September 2012.
Dua session dilakukan. 
Enjoy that moments :)

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Class Oppa KPM Style

Assalamualaikum Peeps 
Nak kongsi cerita tentang kelas keempat yang telah diadakan pada  29 August 2012.
That day actually kami para tutor kalian agak sedih dengan kehadiran
yang agak keterlaluan jumlahnya !
Daripada 70 something, yang hadir hanyalah 15 orang sahaja.
Hmm, serious sedih. Tapi itu tidak menjatuhkan semangat kami untuk berbagi ilmu.
Dan dibawah ini, terhasillah gambar-gambar semasa hari kejadian.

So, that day memandangkan jumlah yang hadir hanyalah 'seketul' cuma,
jadi kami hanya membuat kuiz.
Mereka dibahagikan kepada kumpulan, diberi sekeping kertas, soalan dibacakan
dan mereka di beri masa untuk meletakkan jawapan di hadapan.
Group siapa yang paling cepat hantar dan dapat menjawab dengan betul dikira pemenang.
Manakala bagi group yang kalah telah dikenakan hukuman !
Nak tahu hukuman diaa? Jengjengjengg
Sila scroll ke bawah :)

Inilah sebahagian daripada 15 pelajar yang berjaya menghadirkan diri pada kelas kali ini.
Tepuk tangan untuk mereka. Hihihi

So seperti yang dijanjikan group yang kalah akan didenda dan dibawah ini adalah
secebis memori yang dapat dicapture semasa pendendaan dijalankan.

Tutor : Kalau kalah nak denda diorang apa?
Them : Menari Oppa Gangnam kak ! Oppa KPM Style !

So itu sahaja untuk hari ini. Terima kasih bagi yang sudi hadir. Semoga ilmu yang dikongsi 
memberi manfaat kepada semuaa. InsyaAllah :)
Jumpa nantii !!

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Mind Map Mereka :)

Hasil kerja tangan adik adik tersayang. Mind map first time katanyaa :)

Mind map Internal Stakeholders

Mind map External Stakeholders

Mind map The Managers Social Responsibility

Mind map Diversity

Mind map Workforce Diversity

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Ceritera 1 August 2012

Assalamualaikum peeps
Jumpa lagi kita nampaknyaa. So harini nak cerita pasal
class ketiga yang diadakan pada 1 August 2012.
Hikss lamanyaa baru nak update kann.
Maaflahh kesibukan yang melampau-lampau.
Dengan testnya lagi, kuiznya lagii, assignment pulakk.
Haihh, terkejar-kejar masaa.
So this time free marilah kita bercerita pasal activity yang dilakukan pada
hari kejadiann yaa. Hikhik

Free gift untuk adik adik kami yang tersayangg :)

So activity yang dijalankan pada class ketiga ialah semuaa dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan 
dan diminta untuk membuat presentation tajuk yang telah diberi.
Jom kita usha gambar gambar time sebelum dan semasa presentation.
 Enjoyy :)

Alhamdulillah pada hari kejadian segalanya berjalan dengan lancar.
Semoga ilmu yang dapat boleh dimanfaatkan pada masa hadapan. InsyaAllah :)

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Monday, 6 August 2012

Example Essay Function of Management

Discusses the major functions of a management includes the diagram

The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Each of these functions helps the manager in a specific manner to aid in his managerial role. Many recommend following these four steps in order to achieve the success anticipated for future plans of the company. All four of these functions need to be given an equal amount of time as they are important elements in any organization's development and growth.
Planning is setting your ultimate goal, set of steps and tasks it in a convenient way. First goals need to be set, then strategies and standards need to be implemented, last resources have to be obtained and collected. The manager then needs to assign chores and goals for the employees to undertake as the next step in the hierarchy. This is implemented in staffing agency by having a fore plan of the suitable candidate requirements; a goal set, and guided steps one needs to use to choose the best candidate. There are several type of planning. There is strategic planning (long range plan), tactical planning (short range plan), or contingency planning (alternative plan). Strategic planning can answer such strategically important question as who the employee should be, tactical planning relates to how the crew should select the anticipated employee in accordance to the standards set, contingency planning is about having alterative means of finding employees if the current technique has failed.
Organizing defines the previous well planned goals into a integrated system, assigning them to employees and establishing commands to coordinate the work. A structural framework is needed to assemble all these factors together. This is done by organizing the plan and prioritizing the steps to recognize what should be done first and distinguishing subsequent steps throughout the process into a constructed structure. Then each employee is consigned a job to be completed, such as identifying the staff, reviewing there biodata and resumes, keeping accurate record and filing of applications in order for the goals to be obtained.
Leading is motivating a crew to accomplish a target. It is obtained by setting short and long term goals and gaining the ability to deliver these goals to them. The manager should be an idol model, powerful and respectable, and conflict solver, organized and calm, at the same time. This is achieved by being the leader of the process throughout all of its stages, supervising all the jobs appointed to all employees, making sure they are carried through accurately to pursue the objective wanted and using the authority given in a responsible and effective manner. Therefore, a manager should ensure that previous tasks have been completed, candidates to be staffed have been categorized, skills and other relevant data classified, records maintained in a proper way for future reference. A form of directing the workers can be through empowerment, i.e. giving power to reliable workers to make decisions, and being supported by managers at the same time.
Controlling means coordinating procedures and resources to achieve the preset objectives in a very effective and high-standard performance. This is done by thorough monitoring and following of the process updates and structures conducted. The performance should be measured throughout the whole deal and measured against the guidelines and goals set previously, making sure the quality is well maintained, if not to be abruptly located and corrected when needed. Control of the staffing agency must always be up to date, making sure that the objectives are fulfilled, and periodically evaluated.

NOTA KAKI : Untuk menghasilkan essay terbaik, jika soalan ada mintak diagram, sila lukis diagram ! Kalau tak mintak diagram pun, just lukis je, mana lahh tahu kann, lecturer baik hati nak bagi markah sebab kerajinan ull's lukis diagram. Hikhikk.
Untuk essay ini, credit to HIM :)

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Vocabulary Chapter Two

Accommodation Approach
- Managers will do more than the law requires, if asked, and will demonstrate moderate social responsibilitily.

Blended Value
- The nation that all investments are understood to operate simultaneously in both economic and social realms.

Code of Ethics
- Consists of a formal written set of ethical standards guiding an organizations actions.

- People or organizations that compete for customers or resources.

- Those who pay to use an organizations goods or services.

Defensive Approach
- Managers make the minimum commitment to social responsibility(obeying the law but doing nothing more)

Demographics Forces
- Influences on an organization arising from changes in the characteristics of a population(age,gender,ethnic and so on)

Human skills
- Consists of the ability to work well in cooperation with other people in order to get things done.

Informational Roles
- Managers receive and communicate information with other people inside and outside of the organization.

- Finding ways to deliver new or better goods or services.

Interpersonal Roles
- Managers interact with people inside and outside of their work units.

- Motivating, directing and otherwise influencing people to work hard to achieve the organizations goals.

- A group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose.

- Arranging tasks, people and other resources to accomplish the work.

- Setting goals and deciding how to achieve them.

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Vocabulary Chapter One

Collaborative Computing 
     - Using a state of the art computer software and hardware to help people work better together.

Competitive Advantage
- The ability of an organization to produce goods or services more effectively than competitors do, thereby outperforming them.

Conceptual Skills
     - Consists of the ability to think analytically, to visualize an organization as a whole and understand how the parts work together.

- Monitoring performance, comparing it with goals,and taking corrective action as needed.

- Computerized collections of interrelated files.

E- business
- Using the internet to facilitate every aspect of running business.

- Means to use resources( people,money,raw materials, and the like wisely and cost effectively.

- Means to achieve results, to make the right decisions and successfully carry them out so that they achieve the organization's goals.

- Text messages and documents transmitted over a computer network.

- Someone who sees a new opportunity for a product or service and launches a business to try to realize it.

- The process of taking risks to try to create a new entreprise.

First-line Manager
- Managers who make short term operating decisions,directing the daily tasks of non-managerial personnel.

Functional Manager
- A manager who is responsible for just one organizational activity.

General Manager 
- An executive vice president that control over several departments.

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Pertemuan Kedua :)

Assalamualaikum !
Dari mana datangnya lintah, dari sawah turun ke kali ; 
dari mana datangnya cinta, dari mata turun ke hati.
Dan ada juga yang menyebut, 
tak kenal maka tak cinta.
Macam tu jugaklah perasaan kami terhadap u'lls semuaa. 
Dah masuk minggu ketiga kita bersua muka, bertukar pendapat, berbagi rasa,
bergelak tawa, bergurau senda, semakin lama semakin rapat.
Perasaan ingin berkongsi segala macam hal semakin menebal rasanya !
Dan berharap, moga ia terus kekal mewangi. Ecehh, agak jiwang pulak entry kali ini. Heee.


Okay jom kita story mory sikit tentang current activity kita.
So, 25 Julai 2012 telah berlangsungnya kelas fundamental of management yang kedua.
Activity yang dijalankan untuk kali ini
hanyalah bertukar pendapat, sesi soal jawab dan pop kuiz.
Kehadiran Sir Adham dan Miss Nadia agak menggerunkan kami pada mulanya,
tapi Alhamdulillah at the end,
everything semuanya okay okay saja !
Meh mari dekat mari rapat yang jauh sila dekat dekat rapat rapat sikit
kita usha gambar yang telah diambil sewaktu kelas kedua berlangsung.
Enjoy :)


Jumpa lagi nanti, Assalamualaikum :)

Bermanfaat? Likelahh :)